
Showing posts with the label French

Gabrielle Caunesil Basic Details

Gabrielle Caunesil is a popular French fashion model  Image Credit - gabriellecaunesil / Instagram  She is known for have graced famous magazine covers such as Cosmopolitan Italy - April 2020. Her height is 5 feet 9 inches. She has beautiful brown eyes and hair. She has represented Elite Model which is a popular modeling agency. She is the board member, founder and creative director of Le Semaine Paris. Visit the Instagram page - lasemaineparis or for more details  Gabrielle is very much popular on Instagram. Her Instagram id is - gabriellecaunesil 

Lena Simonne Basic Details

Lena Simonne is a popular French fashion model who is known for have represented popular modeling agencies such as Monster Management, Premium Models, Select Model Management and Dominique Models  Image Credit - lena.simonne / Instagram  Lena has graced the covers of famous magazines like Lui France - December 2019 and Elle France - June 2020. Her height is 5 feet 9 inches. She has mesmerizing blue eyes and her hair is brown. Lena is very much popular on Instagram. Her Instagram id is - lena.simonne

Patti Lynn Q Basic Info

Patti Lynn Q is a popular French YouTuber, blogger and social media influencer  Image Credit - pattilynnq / Instagram  She is known for her self-titled YouTube channel in which she has posted videos related to lifestyle, reaction and more. She started her channel on the 18th of July, 2015. Some of the most popular videos on her channel includes TENDANCES AMÉRICAINES DÉTÉ 2023 ( qui ne passent pas en France ), Mes achats INDISPENSABLES pour économiser de l'argent à long terme, POURQUOI LES AMERICAINS SE MARIENT AUSSI JEUNES | Patcast #4, La chose la plus importante que j'ai apprise en France en tant qu'américaine, TOP 15 CHOSES qu'on voit dans les films americains qui sont VRAIES and Est-ce qu'on regrette d'avoir quitté la France? + GRANDE ANNONCE Patti is on Instagram. Her Instagram id is - pattilynnq 

Jessi M'Bengue Basic Info

Jessi M'Bengue is a French actress, singer and model born on the 27th of December, 1989 in France. Her full name is Jessika M'Bengue and her zodiac sign is capricorn Image Credit - jessimbengue / Instagram FACTS  Jessi is known for have been featured in several popular magazines including GQ, Nylon, Glamour and Cosmos She is also known for her role in 'A Meeting of the Minds' as Malika in 2016 which is also her 1st film  She loves to write poetries in her leisure time  She has starred in the music video 'Blurred Lines' by Robin Thicke  She has endorsed popular brands including Victoria's Secret Pink, Urban Outfitters and Macy's She is represented by agencies including Next Model Management and Crystal Model Agency  Jessi is on Instagram. Her Instagram id is - jessimbengue